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Losing weight by changing only breakfast and dinner

Did you know that the key to losing weight effectively and healthily, no rebound effects or great sacrifices, are at breakfast and at dinner? Are two main meals to regulate the body's metabolism, which is responsible for burning energy, and improve the functioning of the liver, which is the organ that aids digestion of fats. Discover in this article how to change some habits at breakfast and dinner and lose weight gradually and naturally. Losing weight without starving There are many people who want to lose weight and keep trying different diets, eliminate some foods or reduce calories. This means you stress and sacrifice that besides worsen your mood, in many cases even helps them lose weight. Or, in other, as they leave those habits are fattened even more. We need to find guidelines for improving food to help us lose weight without sacrificing feel satisfied after a meal, without counting calories and without having to spend too much time thinking about food. Why breakfast? Breakfast is essential that ends the fasting we have done overnight and activates our metabolism to start burning calories from early in the morning. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea if we want to lose weight, because it makes our metabolism to slow down (and burn less) and makes us hungrier mid-morning or at lunchtime. The result will surely be that itch or eat more of the account. If we are of those who got up without any hunger, we must know that our appetite can also educate. We can start with small amounts or doing some stretching or gentle movements. It is also important to know that when we follow the advice for dinners, may we rise hungrier. What a breakfast? Breakfast has to be nutritious and energetic, rich in all kinds of nutrients that make us feel vital, sated but light and good humor. The typical breakfast of coffee with milk (and sugar) and a paste is just the opposite to what our body needs. Here do you some proposals very healthy breakfast, believe it or not, will help you lose weight. Do not limit yourself too quantities but not done too full. Seeks to that point where you're happy and you could get up and move effortlessly. Homemade fruit smoothies, to which we can add them vegetable drink, spinach, nuts, etc. Oats cooked with vegetable milk, cinnamon, apple and walnuts. Whole wheat toast (preferably spelled, rye, kamut, etc.) with avocado, fresh goat cheese, ghee, sugar-free jam, turkey sausage, tahini, etc. Muesli with fresh fruit and nuts and seeds. Why dinner? The second important meal of control when weight loss is the dinner because they are foods that, in all likelihood, we will provide an energy that no longer spend and our body will store. In addition, our liver autorregenera during the early hours of the morning, so it is important to have previously digested dinner. For this reason, we choose dinners that are satiating but are digestive, giving priority always a serving of lean protein. With this kind of dinners also we sleep better and wake up us with good looking, feeling of lightness and appetite for breakfast that we have proposed. What I have dinner? We propose the following dinners to be changing every day. We choose a vegetable serving and protein: Ration plant Creamed vegetables with some oats. Tomato salad, arugula, watercress, carrot, cucumber, pepper. Gazpacho or vegetable juice. Wok sauted broccoli, mushrooms, corn, peppers, onions, etc. We can combine with protein. Guacamole or avocado (count also as vegetable protein). Soups and broths. Ration protein Poultry meat grilled or baked. Grilled fish or baked. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms (they are rich in protein). Omelette or boiled egg. Cold vegetable salads: the most digestive are peas and lentils. Hummus (chickpea cream with sesame). fresh cheese, preferably goat. Nuts.

And you can read more health tips at The Blue Health

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